Friday, April 26, 2013

Joy In The Everyday.

Even when life doesn't seem to be going especially as planned - certainly not as desired - there is still Joy to be found everyday.

Today I received my 27th (yes, count them - 27!) rejection letter from the 27th company I have interviewed at.  Which is incredibly difficult to stomach, but I'm not giving up hope!

But You know what also happened today?  It was the first day here in Minnesota of actual Spring-like weather!  The seven inches of snow we were gifted with on Tuesday is all but gone and today the thermometer has nearly reached 70 degrees!  The sky is blue without a cloud to be seen, birds are singing their little hearts out, buds are forming on the trees and the sun has graced us with her presence!  Friends from college connected online today, reminiscing about fabulous times and memories dear that are nearly ten years gone by.  And I received a Happy Birthday package from my Best Friend in Seattle!

Even with all of the stresses, the challenges of keeping everything together and my wits about me; holding out hope for the perfect job found and obtained - even with the weight of life pressing firmly on my shoulders - You know what?  Today has been bursting with Joy!  And it's not over yet!

Monday, April 22, 2013

"I am in Love with the Green Earth."  - Charles Lamb

Happy Earth Day to You, Yours & Our Mother!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Be Here Now.

We spend so much time doubting our own Cosmic Perfection.  We feel we are not good enough, skinny enough, pretty or smart enough, our bank account isn’t full enough.  We don’t have the right job that makes our heart sing or partner or house, but there is Always that voice that says, “One day, one day I will be have it all and I will be happy then.” 

The point is to be happy Here And Now in what is, in what we have.  To feel the glow in the Magic that is Here And Now because Now is all we have and all we will truly ever have.  We can plan for the Future, we can envision how we want it to look and be and feel, but in the end it is just that, the Future and if we spend all of our time aching for that to be, we will miss out on the Moment of Here And Now.  And let’s face it, even when we have life planned out to a tee, when we have all the details lined up and organized and say, “Yes, this is how I want it to be.  This is perfect!” inevitably Life happens and we are humbled by Life’s energy to shift our destinies into what is supposed to be instead of what we wish it to be.

While it is truly a positive thing to have goals and aspirations and visions of how we would like the future moments of our lives to look, because that is what gives us fuel to continue going through our mundane days.  Still we must keep in mind that just as the skies change from bursting blue streaked with sunlight to inky tones sprinkled with handfuls of glittering stars and glowing enveloping moonlight, life will Always change and it will Always ebb and flow and so must we.

Be Here Now.  Find happiness in the moments of Now, even if they aren’t perfect, even if they aren’t exactly how You had dreamed they would be, for they are still Magical just as You are Cosmically Perfect and whole.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just As You Are.

Sometimes we all just need a little nudge...a little loving push, whether from a friend, family member or a complete stranger to move forward, to live our journey as we are meant to.  There are times when it is difficult for us to see our own light, for us to see the path before us - even when it is so obvious to those around us.

How we see ourselves is skewed - a funhouse mirror shrinking and stretching us, yet others see us in a luminous light that is completely our own.  If we could only root for ourselves as others do for us.  If we could only look upon ourselves with the same eyes others do, we would look in the mirror and see our true sparkling Magical selves as The Universe created us to be.